Monday, May 31, 2010

Today's Country Tidbits

Today is Memorial Day. You might see more red, white and blue today than usual - more families spending time together than usual and more people going shopping or to the movies than usual for a Monday.

For most of us, we're fortunate to associate Memorial Day with fun family events, patriotic parades and ceremonies.

For some, though, Memorial Day is the day a nation pays tribute to a member of their family who was willing to serve in the military, to go into harm's way and who would have loved to come back to the country they were willing to die in support of.

Instead, they did die for that country.

Memorial Day is not just a remembrance of those who gave their lives for America. It's also a day to remember the families they left behind. Widows and widowers. Mothers and fathers, Brothers and sisters. Friends and lovers. When a service man or woman falls in combat, their life is lost, and countless other lives are broken.

Today, Memorial Day, honor the fallen and remember those who have also given so much for our freedom. Say thank you...and maybe a prayer.