Jason Aldean is on the 2012 My Kinda Party tour and is not just selling out arenas, he's breaking records: “You know, somebody with the venue, he’ll come up to us and he’s like, ‘Hey, you broke Elvis’ record tonight,’ and stuff like that. You know, anytime you hear that, it’s pretty cool...broke a Garth record not too long ago...broke a Bon Jovi record. So, it’s pretty crazy.”
Told you Friday about the sister of cancer patient Kevin McGuire putting up a Facebook page to convince Taylor Swift to be Kevin's prom date. Well, in true Taylor fashion, she's posted on her Facebook wall: “Kevin, I'm so sorry but I won't be able to make it to your prom. But I was wondering, the ACM Awards are coming up.. Would you be my date?” Kevin is hospitalized, but told reporters that he has cancer, it doesn't have him, and he's delighted to be Taylor's date.
The movie Act of Valor opened this past weekend, and Keith Urban's song "For You" was not just a hit with audience, it was a hit with the SEALS who were part of the movie. According to Keith, “For me, and I said this to some of the SEAL guys too, because they were saying, ‘Thank you so much for the song and being involved in the film’ – and I’d like to say it’s my family’s tiny little way of saying ‘thank you.’ It’s really extraordinary what they do. And I think this film in particularly when people see it will have a new insight as to what they do.”
The CMA Songwriter Series took Bob DiPiero, Clint Black and Bill Anderson to Ireland and the UK for a tour, but all didn't go as planned. A driver ran into the back of the tour bus, causing no injuries but delaying the concert for half an hour. According to Bill Anderson, “This accident happened when we were all on a Gibson bus – but it turned out to only be a Fender-bender – thank goodness!”
Condolences to Shawna and Keifer Thompson on the death of Shawna's father. He lost his battle with cancer last week, and he was surrounded by his family when he passed.

Yesterday, Johnny Cash would have been 80. And yesterday, Ronnie Dunn became a grandpa. Huxton "Huck" Wayne Dunn was born to Ronnie's son Jesse and his wife. All involved are doing great.
Lyle Lovett is on the David Letterman Show tonight.
The tweet of the day is from Joe Don Rooney: "It's a clear blue sky gorgeous day in Nash & Jag just walked outside w me & said hey dad it's a blue-tiful day! Lol"