He's also giving away a private screening of the movie to one of his FaceBook fans. The movie comes out on April 21st.
Carrie Underwood isn't even married yet, and she's already won an award as "hottest wife." ESPN magazine put up a poll, asking hockey fans to identify the "Hottest Hockey Wife." Even though Carrie and Mike Fisher aren't married yet, she won with 48% of the vote. More details are trickling out about their wedding plans: Carrie's dog, Ace, will be part of the ceremony, probably as a ring-bearer. Carrie says he won't be walking down the aisle by himself, though, for fear that he'll run away with the ring, or worse yet, eat it!
It's a big hit in only it's second year. Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton performed a benefit for local charities in Tishomingo, Oklahoma over the weekend, and raised over $70,000. In addition to the guitar pull, there was a cocktail party, live and silent auctions plus dinner for all attendees.

Out on tour, ACM nominees Joey & Rory are the opening act for the Zac Brown Band. Last year, ZBB won the ACM for best new group, but lost the award for best new artist. This year, Joey & Rory won the ACM for best new duo, and Zac Brown wants to be sure they don't lose for best new artist, too. “They are exceptional people, and they are exceptional artists, and we are so proud to have them on the road for us. If you get a chance to vote please vote for Joey & Rory. I feel like country music is safe in their hands if that makes any sense at all.”
Tomorrow night is the first episode of Fox News' "Real American Stories" featuring Sarah Palin. Toby Keith fans might want to tune in...he's supposed to be part of the show, along with LL Cool J and former GE head honcho Jack Welch.